Spoken Layer APIs
Development Environment (개발환경)
- VIEW: Wordpress 4.6.1
- DB: MySQL 5.6 Inno DB
Responsibility and Used Technology (역할 및 사용기술)
- Front-end development
- Prototype development
- Spoken layer APIs
Source Code
Github link
Link - Click here
About (English)
- Cooper Hewitt is a National Design Museum, and we build this website based on wordpress. Visitors can experience a full range of new interactive capabilities including spoken layer. Our purpose is that we want to lead towards the audience's approach to online activities, because people who enjoy museums or artwork, only enjoy it in person. Users will be to obtain information and appreciate a masterpiece. Also, spoken layer is a form of API, and if utilizing this, they will be able to read any descriptions on the website pages. It can be useful to many-- vision impaired, children, foreigners and challenged-individuals.